Whether you are looking to buy your dream home or get help selling your current home, we are here to help assist your real estate needs. My name is Kevin Foy and I work with my son Nick Foy at the RE/MAX Oak Crest Realty Elkhart Office. We have a combined 40+ years of real estate brokerage experience in both Northern Indiana and Southern Michigan. Feel confident that you are working with realtors who have experience in all types of transactions (residential, commercial, investment) and we understand the markets to help you gage pricing on both the buy and sell side to get the best deal possible. Reach out to our team by contacting Nick Foy: 574-387-2501.
Serving Northern Indiana / Southern Michigan
Find helpful information by clicking our city overview pages linked below. Each page contains a list of subdivisions so you can learn more about where to move your family next!
Bristol | Elkhart | Goshen | Granger | South Bend