Pickwick Village Homes Goshen IN

Pickwick Village is a residential neighborhood district located in Goshen, Indiana.

The Pickwick Village subdivision is located close to the intersection of Wilden Avenue and County Road 28 within the city limits of Goshen, Indiana.

It was developed, beginning in 1985, by Charles Daub, a local developer. The subdivision consists of 77 single family home sites, 17 condominiums and one commercial building.

Interested in looking at housing in the Pickwick Village area? Call or text 574-538-8801 or email Nick@TeamFoy.com.

Boundaries & Map

pickwick village goshen indiana

Recently Sold Homes Pickwick Village Goshen IN

Housing prices in the Pickwick Village neighborhood range from $170,000 to $353,000 and for condos you can find sales $70,000 to $120,000.

Here’s a list of recently sold homes in the Pickwick Village district of Goshen:

Pickwick Village Homes for Sale in Goshen

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